Tool is to remove DRM protection in Audible book, convert to m4b/mp3 file with 1-click.
the audio file is to be found in the output folder, the conversion need (depending on the computing power) for 1 minute of audio approximately 2 seconds,
The conversion is fast, free, and requires no I-Tunes, Have fun while listening!

  • .aa to .mp3 .m4b .m4a .fla
  • .aax to .mp3 .m4b .m4a .fla
  • audible .m4a to .mp3 .m4b .m4a .fla


Audible file

Audible is an American online audiobook and podcast service that allows users to purchase and stream audiobooks and other forms of spoken word content. This content can be purchased individually or under a subscription model where the user receives “credits” that can be redeemed for content monthly and receive access to a curated on-demand library of content.

Audible audio files are compatible with hundreds of audio players, PDAs, mobile phones and streaming media devices.Devices that do not have AudibleAir capability (allowing users to download content from their library directly into their devices) require a Windows PC or Macintosh to download the files. Additionally, titles can be played on the PC (using iTunes or AudibleManager). Titles cannot be burned to CD with AudibleManager. According to Audible’s website, they can be burned to CD using Apple’s iTunes and some versions of Nero. (The DRM generally allows a title to be burned to CD once, although the resulting CDs can be played in any CD player and have no copy prevention.) Currently there is no support for Linux, although AudibleManager is known to work through Wine (though this is not officially supported by Audible).

Audible’s .aa file format encapsulates sound encoded in either MP3 or the ACELP speech codec, but includes unauthorized-playback prevention by means of an Audible username and password, which can be used on up to four computers and three smartphones at a time. Licenses are available for schools and libraries.

Audible’s content can only be played on selected mobile devices. Its software does enable users to burn a limited number of CDs for unrestricted playback, resulting in CDs that can be copied or converted to unrestricted digital audio formats.

How to download Wattpad story to PDF?

Wattpad Downloader is App to download wattpad ebook to pdf, it works like a browser, download all categories including classics, general fiction, historical fiction, non-fiction, poetry, spiritual, teen fiction among others, create new beautiful pdf file with 1-click, the new PDF file can read in Windows,Mac without limitation, share your ebook with friends.

There is watermarks on pdf file in demo version, watermarks will remove in full version.

  1. Run Wattpad downloader, login and goto library page, open book you want, wait 1-2 minutes till Ready to download message show up.
  2. Click Download button to start, it will download ebook each chapter one by one, wait new pdf file created.
  3. There is watermarks on pdf file in demo version, watermarks will remove in full version.

How to read public library ebook on Kindle?

if public library provide OverDrive ebook, you can borrow and read it on your Kindle 3, this is tutorial how to do that.

1. Install digital editions.

You will download a .acsm file when you download a OverDrive ebook, .acsm file is a download link, doesn’t have ebook content, you install Adobe digital editions first, register a Adobe ID using any email, so you can open .acsm file and download a drm epub file that opened in digital editions.

2. Install PDF epub drm removal and remove DRM from public library epub file

PDF epub drm removal is tools to removal adobe drm from epub/PDF, click here to download,  run it after installation, find ebook file, normally adobe ebooks are in “My Document\My Digital Editions” folder, select epub/PDF file and click “Remove DRM” button, a new epub/pdf file was created without DRM protection, we will convert epub ebook to Kindle ebook format in next step.

3. Install Calibre and convert epub to Kindle format.

Kindle 3 doesn’t support epub format ebook, it support .mobi format ebook, we can’t read public library epub ebook in Kindle directly, fortunately there is another freeware Calibre that convert epub to mobi format. click here to download calibre,

Run Calibre after installation, drag new epub/pdf file into calibre, click “Convert” button on toolbar, select .mobi format to convert to, then it will create a new .mobi file.

4 Read public library mobi ebook in Kindle

just copy .mobi file into Kindle, you can read it.