Kortext Downloader is to download Kortext textbook to epub pdf into PC, it works like a browser and get ebook epub pdf format file with 1-click, backup your textbook before expiration, print kortext etextbook, share pdf textbook with friends, read textbook in any device without limitation.

new Mac version 1.24.11220 released.

Kortext Downloader Tutorial Video

1). Download and install Kortext Downloader, it run like a browser, user sign in kortext account, find book to download and open it. if book image not show up, click refresh button on top toolbar to reload page.

2). Open your book in your library, Click “Read Online” button to open book, Download button will be enabled when book is ready to download.

3). When Download button is ready, click download button to download ebook, it takes a while.
Demo version only download 6 pages of book, it will download all pages in full version,

5). Downloader go through all book pages , it takes a while.

6). new epub or PDF file created when finished, it depend on ebook type, file saved in My document folder,

documents\ebook converter\kortext downloader\

Note: Adobe digital editions is epub reader app to read book,
user can convert epub to pdf in Caliber that is freeware.

How to read public library books on iPad?

Public library use Overdrive for their ebook management. Is there any way to borrow library books onto read in iBooks?

iPad app ibook support epub format ebook, but it does NOT support DRM epub ebook, here is way to read your DRM ebook on iPad.

1) first you need download and install Adobe Digital Editions, open you ebook in digital editions.

2) Download and install epub DRM Removal that will remove drm protection from epub books.

3) Run epub DRM Removal, it is easy to use, select epub file from digital editions folder, click “Remove” button, a new .epub file created without drm protection.

4) Drag new epub file to itune, sync to ipad, enjoy it.

Remove DRM from Adobe LiveCycle Policy Server


I have a laptop and a desktop, I go between the two frequently. Is it easy to remove PDF drm from Adobe LiveCycle Policy Server? How would I accomplish this?


PDF Reader Converter is tools remove DRM protection from Adobe LiveCycle Policy Server for PDF file, it create a new non-DRM PDF file with 1-click, the new PDF file can read in Windows,Mac without limitation.

This is tutorial to remove drm from Adobe LiveCycle Policy Server.

1 Download PDF Reader Converter, intall it.

Download for Windows

2 Open drm PDF in adobe reader,

3 Run PDF Reader Converter, click “Capture” button.

4 Converter start to working, it roll pages in Adobe Reader automatically, capture page one by one, don’t touch computer when it is working.

5 it save to a new PDF file when job is done.

Without getting into a legal/moral discussion, it depends on the DRM. Some are easily defeated with the usual suspects, some other ‘DRM’ is actually native PDF stuff that can be circumvented with non-cracking skills like ‘DRM Removal’, mainly those that use some sort of authentication between your machine and a central key/content server are.