ProQuest Downloader is tools to download books to pdf format ebooks, ProQuest book usually download by Adobe Digital Editions, remove ebook DRM by ePub DRM Removal, updated DRM server recently, new DRM can’t decrypt by now, some books can view in browser, ProQuest Downloader download book in PDF format, the new PDF file can read in Windows,Mac without limitation, share your ebook with friends.

ProQuest Downloader is best tools we provide for before new DRM decrypted, it only support PDF book by now,
There is demo limitation in demo version, only 6 pages download in demo, all pages in full version.

  1. Install ProQuest Downloader and run it, copy book link from browser and paste in downloader address bar, login bookshelf account,
  2. Select book to download, open it, click Download button when it is ready,
  3. it will download pages one by one, user can stop it any time or close downloader, resume downloading rest pages when download book again.
  4. it create pdf file in output folder when all pages downloaded.

How to share Kindle ebooks with friend?

Amazon offers a method of instantly sharing certain ebooks with other Kindle users, Lending.
Only certain Kindle ebooks can be shared; Kindle publishers and authors must enable the sharing features for Kindle ebooks to be eligible for sharing or loaning.

if ebook is eligible to load, you can Load this book to friend from the product detail page of a book you purchased on Amazon.

  1. Visit the Kindle Store.
  2. On the product detail page, click Loan this book. You will be sent to the Loan this book page.
  3. Enter the recipient’s e-mail address, If desired, enter a personal message.
    Note: Be sure to send the Kindle book loan notification to your friend’s personal e-mail address and not their Kindle e-mail address.
  4. Click Send now.

During the loan period, you will not be able to read the book that you loaned.

ebook Not eligible lending, Remove Kindle DRM protection

if ebook isn’t eligible for Lending, you can share drm-free ebook after removing Kindle ebook DRM protection, there is simple way which take minutes to do that, this tutorial show how to do that.

What you need :

1). Install and run Kindle DRM Removal to remove drm protection from kindle books, it is easy to use, just click “remove” button, a new azw file will created without DRM.

2) Open Calibre and click “Add books”. A pop-up window will then appear allowing you to browse to new azw file. Select the file and click Open the file will then be added to Calibre.

3). Select your file and click Convert E-books.

4). In the pop-up window that appears in the drop down box on the right hand side make sure that Output format is selected as PDF, other format you want.

5). Calibre will create a new PDF, you can share pdf with friend without problem.

How to read NOOK ebook on Kobo

The Barnes Noble Nook (styled “nook”) is a brand of electronic-book readers developed by American book retailer Barnes Noble, The nook ebook format is specific to the nook, can only be read by the nook, it is new EPUB format file with eReader DRM combination created for the nook, that is different with EPUB with Adobe ADEPT DRM, sometimes called Adobe EPUB or Adobe Digital Editions format, you can’t read NOOK epub file directly on KOBO ereader, however kobo support some different types of ebook format files that can be read , include epub, PDF and others.

B&N epub ebooks has drm protection only supported by NOOK, you need to remove drm protection before put epub file on other eReader devices such as the Kobo, Sony Reader, here’s how to remove drm directly from B&N epub.

NOOK DRM Removal

1. To start removing drm from B&N ePub files, you’ll need to install NOOK DRM Removal, click the Download link. once you’ve download NOOK DRM Removal, install it as normal.

2.Once setup is complete, run NOOK DRM removal, select a epub from B&N ebook folder, then click “Remove DRM” button, NOOK ebook locate at “My Barnes & Noble eBooks” in “My Document” folder.

3.first times you need to input your Name of B&N account, and credit card number to decrypt drm protection, it is name in B&N account, not name on credit card, full digital number of credit card, this converter don’t keep these information, only to create a key file for next times.

if Name and number is correct, it will create a epub file without drm protection.

Now you can open your ePub file in any eReader program, such as Nook for PC. You can also transfer it to your eReader device, including Kobo or iPad, to read on the go. If you use a Kindle, you can also convert the ePub file to MOBI format with Calibre and transfer it to your device.

NOOK Reader

The new Nook Simple Touch Reader eBook reader is the talk of the eReader market. It has a beautiful and functional design that is easy to use and places emphasis on comfort. We loved the feel of the Nook Simple Touch Reader in our hands and through our research found that users prefer its design to other eReader designs on the market. While the Nook doesn’t offer as many features as other top eBook readers, its design and navigation are superior.