Kortext Downloader is to download kortext textbook to epub pdf file, that can be view in any epub reader, ipad, ereader, print to paper, share textbook with firends.

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How to Remove Kindle DRM in Kindle app v2.0

new version Kindle converter will support Kindle for pc v2.0,

  • for new kindle book , We suggest install v2.0, converter works great with v2.0 kfx format file.
  • Kindle app may update automatically even turn off update option, check kindle app version first when failed kindle book, if kindle app updated, just downgrade again.

1. Deregister in Kindle for PC to remove all book

click “Tools–Options” in Kindle app, Select “Registration” , click “Deregister” button to remove all downloaded book.

Select “General” , uncheck update automatically, Kindle app always updated even uncheck it, always check kindle app version first when conversion failed.

2. Uninstall Kindle app and download Kindle for PC app v2.0

Uninstall Kindle app, download old version, this is list kindle for pc work with converter.
Download Kindle for PC 2.0

3. Install Kindle Converter Lastest version

download and Install Kindle Converter

4. Re-download book in Kindle app

Close Kindle app first if it running, restart Kindle app, right-click book title, remove book , re-download book into KF8 format to remove drm,

you can deregister to delete all downloaded files in Preference-General-Deregister Kindle for Mac, then re-download book in Kindle for Mac,

5. Run Kindle Converter to remove DRM

run Kindle Converter, import kindle book and click Convert button. it will remove drm and convert to pdf epub file.

Download Hands-On Machine Learning with Scikit-Learn and TensorFlow to pdf

Hands-On Machine Learning with Scikit-Learn and TensorFlow is most popular TensorFlow book on OReilly, through a series of recent breakthroughs, deep learning has boosted the entire field of machine learning. Now, even programmers who know close to nothing about this technology can use simple, efficient tools to implement programs capable of learning from data. This practical book shows you how.

Step by step to Download Hands-On Machine Learning with Scikit-Learn and TensorFlow to pdf

How to download Safari Online ebook to PDF?

1). Download and install Safari Online Downloader, it run like a browser, user sign in safari online in webpage, find book to download, click “Start Reading Now” button to open ebook in app.

2). User open book in downloader, wait until “Download” button is ready, click download button to download ebook, it takes a while.

3). Downloader go through all book pages , it takes a while.

4). new PDF file created when finished, it saved in My document folder, “doc\ebook converter\safari online downloader\” .